Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Sistar19 A Girl In Love

my sister singing A Girl In Love ~ Sistar 19
its only half of the song 


Dare 26-05-13
Pastor Daniel

Bullies are sad people.. 
Keep things in order. (Class com)
Forever got people will do this type of things..
You don't have to do this things..

Pass it on and run! (Run far far away!)

Matthew 14:13-21 
When Jesus heard it
he departed from there by boat to a deserted place by himself 
But when the multitudes heard it they followed him on foot from the cities
And when Jesus went out he saw a great multitude. He moved with compassion for them and healed their sick.
When it was evening the hour was already late just send them away 
The world will always want them to fix the problem themselves. Testing them for what they wanted to do. We have only 5 loaves and 2 fish. (Stole them from a little boy)
He said  "Bring them here to Me."
Then he commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And he took the 5 loaves and 2 fish l, and looking up he multiplied it.
So they ALL ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained. 
Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children. 

Your in a family that won't have any judgement on you! Have fun in the presence of god!

The bible says ALL! They ALL ate! In his eyes he sees all! His goodness is there in your service!

His grace is amazing!

I'm Greatly Blessed Highly Favored & Deeply Loved :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

after VIA (CIP) of walking around 10 blocks (2 ppl in 1 group) so 1 person do 5 blocks.. walk up & down the stairs walk until leg pain...

hold flyers until hand pain

now at home..


 cuz i ache all over

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

so my class finally made me to this video.. think its ok i guess.. XP
hi im in korea right now!
yes I'm having fun.. but i miss my family..
mu classmates have been asking me to go and join the KPOP STAR.. but i don't think i will be joining..

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

dead tired.. but i still remember last year's NPCC CCC '12

yes i know its been 1 year.. but i had so much fun prepping for the competition
yes CCC is once every 2 years so the next time i will be going for competition will be 2014

yes 2012 CCC i was in charge of timing & flag

so yeah.. but usually super tiring

cannot stand it. but i guess its life.. I'm not the only one that have to do it so yah

1 team will have 12 people (cadets) 3 reserves
my team didn't have any reserves..

so quite sad la

Saturday, May 18, 2013

daphanne's birthday & BBQ & my birthday

 pretty pearlyn jie jie
 me & pearlyn

 kor kor & king king
 mindy jie jie
 from left (bottom row): baby, Daphanne, Pearlyn & Me
from left (top row): Amanda, Samantha, Jasmine & Belinda
 from left (botton row): king king, baby, Daphanne, Pearlyn & Me
from left (top row): Amanda, Samantha, Jasmine & Belinda
 from left (bottom row): baby, Daphanne, Pearlyn & Me
from left (top row): Amanda, Samantha, Jasmine & Belinda
 bottom row: king king & Daphanne
top row: Aunt & Uncle